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Chapter 4 Tissue: The Living Fabric (Mastering A&P)
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Teaching a song using solfege rather than the lyrics helps the listener hear patterns and intervals, and even understand phrases and form that otherwise might be obscured by lyrics. He collected dozens of folk songs from his native Hungary and used them in his method. These syllables are taught sequentially as well, and begin from basic note values i. Like many other researchers before him, Gordon realized we are lacking in terminology to explain all of the complex processes that go on with music learning and listening.
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Philosophy According to Gordon, we are each born with music aptitude. As with other human learning potentials, there is a wide range of music aptitude levels distributed among the human population. Moreover, both music aptitude and music achievement are dependent on audiation; i. Most importantly, music thinking goes beyond mere imitation and leads to music comprehension Discrimination learning occurs by rote, and occurs when a teacher teaches the basic building blocks of music—vocabulary and aural and rhythmic patterns. Inference learning occurs conceptually, where the student is able to identify, create, and improvise with musical materials already learned.
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The student at this point is discovering music on his or her own. Rhythmic learning concerns understanding three basic concepts: the macrobeat, the microbeat, and melodic rhythm. Examples of Macrobeats Microbeats are shorter than macrobeats and represent the equal division of the macrobeat. Examples of Microbeats Melodic rhythm refers to any rhythmic patterns in a piece. Rhythms can relate to the melody or text from a piece of music. His approach begins on a holistic level, where the student experiences the whole song, piece, and so forth; applies analysis; and then re-experiences the whole again but now through the lens of having analyzed the inner workings in detail.
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For example, because improvising music is far more complex than imitating basic patterns, the latter is required in order to perform the former. The ultimate goal is to develop total cognitive and kinesthetic awareness through sound. The music acts as a stimulus to which the body responds, after which sensation returns to the brain to form emotions, which deepens the significance of the experience.
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Philosophy The Dalcroze philosophy centers on the concept that the synthesis of the mind, body, and resulting emotions is fundamental to all meaningful learning. Emile-Jaques Dalcroze believed that every musician should strive to be sensitive and expressive, and to express music through purposeful movement, sound, thought, feeling, and creativity. Mead cites four basic premises that encapsulate the Dalcroze philosophy: Eurhythmics awakens the physical, aural, and visual images of music in the mind. Solfege sight singing and ear training , improvisation, and eurhythmics together work to improve expressive musicality and enhance intellectual understanding.
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Music may be experienced through speech, gesture, and movement. These can likewise be experienced in time, space, and energy. Humans learn best when learning through multiple senses. Music should be taught through the tactile, kinesthetic, aural, and visual senses. The Dalcroze approach is based on eurhythmics, which teaches rhythm, structure, and musical expression through music.
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Eurhythmics begins with ear training, or solfege, to develop the inner musical ear. Another component of the method concerns improvisation, which helps students sharpen their spontaneous reactions and physical responses to music. Types of movement Each movement involves time, space, and force, and all three should be taken into account when moving, paying close attention to the musical attributes of the movement. Time: Tempo rate of speed and duration fast, moderate, slow Space: Direction, distance covered, level, dimension large, small , path straight, twisted , and focus Force: Energy or power expended, quality of the movement, and any adjectives to describe the movement e.
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Non-locomotor movement in place : Stretch, curl, clap, snap, patsch, tap, stomp, twist, turn, conduct, sway, jump, bend, speak, stretch, swing, reach Locomotor movement through space : Walk, slide, skip, run, leap, gallop, hop, jump, slither, creep, roll, jog Regardless of the type, movements should above all be musical. Movements should also be focused and thoughtful; i. It is essential that the movement coordinate with the beat of the music, the rhythm, and the phrasing depending on the exercise. Children are introduced to key musical elements such as meter, dynamics, rhythms, tempo, duration, melody, form, phrase, and pitch. Types of eurhythmics There are four types of basic eurhythmic exercises: Follow Interrupted canon Canon A follow exercise is a basic music-movement response exercise. Students physically respond to the sounds they hear. Examples: Students walk to the beat of music piano, drum, etc. A quick reaction exercise requires students to respond to verbal signals or cues.
Examples: Students move while the music is playing and freeze when the music stops or the teacher yells out a command. Students also can change their movements on a given signal, such as switching from a loco-motor to a non-loco-motor when they hear a drum beat or chime or when the music stops. The interrupted canon is a preparatory exercise for the canon. Examples: Students hear a rhythm and then echo it back on their body lap, clap, etc. A canon requires students to echo back a pattern, but one measure later. While they are performing their pattern, they are simultaneously listening and memorizing the new pattern.
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Examples: The teacher claps patterns. Students respond one measure later while continually absorbing the pattern currently being performed. Pass the pattern: A more challenging version of this is to have students form two straight lines. All the while, new patterns are being formed and passed. Dalcroze movement requires that children listen and respond simultaneously. The music mirrors the physical motions expected. For example, music for walking or marching is in duple meter and uses steady quarter notes, running music contains eighth notes, skipping music uses dotted rhythms, jumping music contains large interval leaps, and so forth. Examples of music for Dalcroze movement exploration watch this Dalcroze Videos Reggio Emilia Although not an approach to music teaching in and of itself, this popular educational method is worth exploring in its relation to music education.
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The basic approach utilizes discovery in terms of music learning, and also is synchronous with many of the 21st-century learning approaches discussed in Chapter 1. If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipline and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart. He began to apply the basic principles of language acquisition to music learning, and called his method the mother-tongue approach. Suzuki understood that making good musicians requires investment in developing the whole child — from their morality to their character and ability to be good citizens. Only in this larger context can the child focus on developing their musical ability. The ideas of parent responsibility, loving encouragement, constant repetition, etc.
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When a child learns language, they undergo a very extensive form of enculturation. They begin by listening and repeating, mastering the linguistic process step-by-step. They have to then memorize, build vocabulary, and are motivated by environmental, cultural and social factors, including that of love. To learn music using the Suzuki approach, the child must replicate the steps of language learning by listening to excellent recordings so that beautiful music becomes part of their natural environment. Parents often learn the instrument along with the child, acting as musical role models, and maintaining a positive learning atmosphere for the child to succeed.
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Musician and teacher. New York: W. Norton and Company. Goodkin, D. Play, sing and dance: an introduction to Orff Schulwerk. New York: Schott Music Publishers. Gray, E. Orff-Schulwerk: Where did it come from? Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association. Opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg, October Margaret Murray. Orff, C. Music for children Vols. Murray, Trans. Original work published Shamrock, M. Dalcroze Abramson, R. Dalcroze-based improvisation.
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Music Educators Journal, 66 5 , 62— Anderson, W. The Dalcroze approach to music education: Theory and Application. General Music Today, 26 1 , 27— Aronoff, F. Dalcroze strategies for music learning in the classroom. International Journal of Music Education, 2, 23— Bachmann, M. Dalcroze today: An education through and into music D. Parlett, Trans. New York: Oxford University Press. Boyarsky, T. Dalcroze eurhythmics: An approach to early training of the nervous system. Seminars in Neurology, 9, — Bugos, K.
Mastering A&P- Chapter 4 - Medicoguia.com
Mucin Salt Mucin Like mucous cells, goblet cells are unicellular exocrine glands that secrete mucin, a protein that combines with water to form mucus. In goblet cells, the cuplike accumulation of mucin distends the top of the cell, making these cells look like a glass with a stem, thus "goblet" cell. This distortion does not occur in mucous cells. All epithelia have two surfaces, an apical surface and a basal surface, that differ in both structure and function. True False True All epithelia exhibit polarity, which is defined by the presence of an apical surface and a basal surface that differ in both structure and function. Pseudostratified epithelium consists of multiple cell layers. True False False While pseudostratified epithelium has the illusion of being a multi-layered tissue, it is in fact made up of only one cell layer. The irregular heights of the cells in pseudostratified epithelia give the tissue a layered appearance.
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In reality, all of the cells in this tissue rest on the basement membrane i. Which of the numbered cell types is primarily responsible for producing protein fibers found in connective tissue proper? Which numbered cell type initiates inflammatory responses to infection or tissue damage? Note the secretory granules within the pictured cell. Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of the areolar connective tissue pictured in the figure? Areolar connective tissue has elastic properties. Fibroblasts are the cells primarily responsible for the formation of areolar connective tissue.
Mastering A And P Answers Chapter 4
Areolar connective tissue is avascular. Most of the volume of areolar connective tissue is occupied by ground substance. Most connective tissues except cartilage contain blood vessels. A capillary is observed in the figure of areolar connective tissue. Which of the following substances would NOT be found in significant amounts in the extracellular matrix of the illustrated areolar connective tissue? Keratin would therefore not be found in significant quantities in the ECM of connective tissues. All of the listed responses are correct. Why are adipose, blood, and bone all considered to be connective tissues?
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They have a common origin, mesenchyme. They have the same types of cells. They connect to each other. They all have collagen and elastic fibers in their extracellular matrix. Adipose, bone, and blood like all connective tissues are derived from mesenchyme, an embryonic tissue. Also common to all connective tissues is the presence of cells and an extracellular matrix that consists of fibers bathed in ground substance. What is the most obvious structural feature of areolar connective tissue? The rest of the matrix, occupied by ground substance, appears to be empty space when viewed through the microscope.
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Note: the Latin term areola means "a small open space. It does not act as a binding or packing material; it does not provide structural support. It is classified as a CT only because it develops from mesenchyme and consists of cells blood cells surrounded by an extracellular fluid matrix blood plasma. Stress tests show that collagen fibers are stronger than steel fibers of the same size! Which tissue is correctly paired with its primary cell type?
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They bind epithelial cells together, but they don't increase their surface area. Desmosomes The is a non-cellular, adhesive sheet between the epithelium above and connective tissue below. It acts as a 1 selective filter that determines which molecules diffusing from the underlying connective tissue are allowed to enter the epithelium, and 2 scaffolding along which epithelial cells can migrate to repair a wound.
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It does not increase the surface area of the epithelium. Microvilli The blast cell for blood production is the hemocytoblast In adult humans, most cancers are carcinomas or adenocarcinomas. These include cancers of the skin, lung, colon, breast, and prostate. Which of the four basic tissue types is involved, and why? Epithelial tissue: it is exposed to the environment and is constantly dividing, both factors allowing more opportunity for damage and overcoming growth control mechanisms. Unlike other epithelial membranes, the cutaneous membrane is exposed to the air and is a dry membrane. These specialized simple columnar epithelial cells are goblet cells. Cardiac muscle and the nervous tissue in the brain and spinal cord have virtually no functional regenerative capacity, and they are routinely replaced by scar tissue. A capillary is observed in the figure of areolar connective tissue.
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This makes the extracellular matrix very hard and rigid. Calcification Select the correct statement regarding epithelia. Stratified squamous epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important. Cartilage The basement membrane is located between which of the following tissue types? While areolar connective tissue holds body fluids, stores nutrients, supports and binds other tissues, and defends the body against infection, movement of body parts is a task performed by the three different types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
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TRUE See page All normal epithelia exhibit polarity. Polarity is defined by the presence of an apical and basal surface. Sometimes cancer cells lose polarity characteristics. Dense regular connective tissue forms tendons Epithelial tissues are innervated and usually vascularized. TRUE Epithelial tissue is an innervated but typically avascular tissue. Epithelial tissue is also highly regenerative. Stratified squamous is the thickest form of epithelial tissue and is composed of multiple layers of flat cells. The steps in tissue repair are inflammation,organization, and regeneration. An aponeurosis is a flat sheathlike tendon that connects muscle to muscle or bone. All of these are functional characteristics of epithelial tissue.
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Epithelial tissue functions in protection, secretion, ion transport, and filtration, but control is the primary responsibility of nervous tissue. These cells can be localized fixed , or they can wander throughout the body. Macrophages Why are adipose, blood, and bone all considered to be connective tissues? They have a common origin, mesenchyme Is a tissue which doesn't match the characteristics of other connective tissues.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Mastering A And P Answers Chapter 4
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