Saturday, April 24, 2021

Persona 3 The Journey Or The Answer

  • [FREE] Persona 3 The Journey Or The Answer | HOT

    A new Shadow Elimination machine named Metis tells the groups about a set of keys they have to collect to fix everything — this is an RPG, after all — and our erstwhile heros have to decide whether to use these keys as intended to end...

  • [DOWNLOAD] Persona 3 The Journey Or The Answer | HOT!

    Take Yukari for example. I honestly believe that this moment is one of the strongest character realizations in gaming history. And better yet is the moment where the group comes together in order to help her come to accept that the needs of the...

  • Faithful Party Rebalance Mod (Journey + Answer)

    And the second calls back to what I said earlier: Persona 3 is all about blending mechanics and story, making them metaphors for each other. A lot of spinoffs or DLC for games ignore the story so far, like when Deus Ex: Mankind Divided had to come up with a BS excuse for you not to have all the augs you had in the first game. But whether you agree with this assessment of the gameplay or not, The Answer is still an essential part of the full Persona 3 experience, and it makes me sad that so many people say that you should skip it. It may be the worst part of the game, but its story wraps up loose ends beautifully, reminds us that no story is ever truly over, and ends on a positive note that reminds us to keep fighting.

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  • What Is The Difference Between The Journey And The Answer?

    When the credits rolled over my first playthrough of Persona 3, I broke down and cried. The game had given me the tiny light I needed at the end of the tunnel in order to get my life back together. I thought less and less about wanting to end it all. And The Answer — which I played later — is an enormous part of that feeling, that message of hope against all odds and all evidence that the game is all about.

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  • Persona 3 Fes Tartarus Checkpoints

    Persona 3 and The Answer are games that I truly believe everyone needs to play, and while my feelings on the next game in the franchise remain stubbornly the same, I hope even the people who hate me will go back and see just how much Persona 3 and The Answer have done for the JRPG community.

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    Contact ironically im listening to some persona music at the moment i saw this topic XD. Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled high school students - the protagonist and a collection of compatriots he meets in the game's story - who live dual lives as Phantom Thieves. Though my brother has been playing it and enjoying it. Persona 3 FES is considered the "director's cut" of the original Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, and was released in Japan in and the west in … The newer version offers a chance for Atlus to recruit new MegaTen fans and should be enticing enough even for those that picked up Persona 3 last year.

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  • Persona 3: FES - Is The Answer Worth Knowing?

    Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It offers full HDTV screen and smoothing through the menu options. PS2, PS3. Persona 3 FES lacks the memorabilia, but packs more in-game content at a cheaper price. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. You have entered an incorrect email address! This topic is locked from further discussion.

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  • Persona 3 FES - The Answer. Worth Playing?

    Such a fantastic J RPG. I've been looking into getting this game, though I've read there are some issues with save data- apparently sometimes saves fail or are completely erased, so you have to be extra careful and double check that the save data is actually there when you save. Never got around to playing it yet though, backlog is too big. You need to leave their original ugly name. Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas. Persona 5 for PlayStation 3. Warning: Do not rename rap files! Move the corresponding RAP file for the games you want to activate in the exdata folder. Juggle high school social life and dungeon crawling in this innovative RPG where you fight Shadows with your inner power, known as a Persona.

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  • User Reviews

    I boot into safe mode and restore the file system. I've played Persona 4, 5, Royal and all the dance games with strikers preordered. So i would appreciate it if someone could tell me how much has changed in comparison to p3 fes. So with the introductions out of the way, let's see what Persona 3 has in store for us! A brand new chapter of Persona 3 featuring 30 plus hours of gameplay and an enhanced version of the original game loaded with new content and features, Persona 3 FES is the comprehensive version of one of the most acclaimed RPG's of I've had it on my PS3 for over half a year and still haven't gotten around to it Secret videos of the protagonist'sdorm mates have been added to flesh them out. DragonBall Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Persona 3 FES 's epilogue was said to give narrative closure to the original game, although it was criticized for not featuring the simulation aspect of Persona 3.

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  • Persona 3 Fes Walkthrough Reddit

    The number of Personas in the game has increased. I've heard some people recommend to keep an extra save file or too, just in case. K… It includes the entire original game, but with several changes: 1. The Journey, also known as Episode Yourself in the Japanese version, is an enhanced version of Persona 3. Check online inventory and the latest PS5 restock news here. Recomendable para aquellos que quieran ir poco a poco y entrenarse en cuanto al manejo del tiempo tan importante en Persona 5. I usually keep multiply saved files when I play any RPG. It is a single-player game in the third person perspective. Sounds like it could be a pain After playing with both options I decided to leave it on default setting.

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  • The Answer- Is It Worth It?

    Hi folks, apologies for the random tech support question. The HDTV does make it full screen but it also stretches the game to fit properly. Regardless, I'm absolutely loving it. Lead a group of high school students with a dangerous extracurricular activity: exploring the mysterious tower Tartarus and fighting the sinister Shadows during the Dark Hour, a frozen span of time imperceptible to all but a select few. Persona 3: FES incluye algunos cambios al juego original nuevos Personas, algunos eventos, etc. Maybe it's the old news but I picked it up instantly for 9. When i already have persona 3 fes for ps 2 is it even worth it, to buy persona 3 portable, since i dont wanna waste my money for a game i may already have. Persona … Hi folks, apologies for the random tech support question. Ever since I picked up Persona 4 Golden for the vita and found out how great this series is Ive thought about getting this several times, though Ive heard the atmosphere is really dark and depressing compared to P4's more happy and colorful atmosphere.

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  • Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES Review

    It's finally , but the PS5 isn't any easier to find in stock. Your Persona consists of spirits, gods, demons, and even angels that you summon at will. Recent Posts.

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  • Difference Between The Journey And Th Answer?

    The game that lead the way for Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5 Royal, FES is the version of the game most fans have experienced due to its popularity. Though the Persona series has exploded in popularity since its release , much about FES either goes unknown or underappreciated. What that means in the greater scheme of things is much more open to debate. It could vaguely have something to do with the game, or it could have just sounded good. Among the changes made in The Journey are the additions of secret videos of the protagonist's dorm mates, being able to take Koromaru on walks and a new event involving Chidori, among other things. That might have something to do with the fact that her design was based off of the original and rejected concept for Fuuka. Like everyone else in the game, Ken also wields a weapon as added insurance while exploring Tartarus.

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  • Kid Reviews For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES

    In some early concept art for his character, Ken is shown to have originally used darts as a weapon. This was changed to spears sometime in the development process. It is very likely that Koromaru is based off of Hachiko. Both dogs had their owners die, and as a result go to the place they last saw their master, eagerly awaiting their return. Instead, it outs them in a massive underground labyrinth called The Abyss of Time. As is the case with most ports, there were some issues. So backing those up is always recommended. Everything from music, to cut scenes, dialogue and more. As the years have gone on, dedicated fans have discovered a multitude of cut content.

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  • Second Opinion: Persona 3 FES’ The Answer Makes The Game Great

    One of the more interesting of these is the presence of an unused marriage certificate. This — alongside the protagonist choosing Tatsuya as his username — are all references to the Persona 2 duology.

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  • Difference Between The Journey And The Answer?

    Contact Us Combat I mean, does knowing that the Main Character in Persona 4 goes home by train at the end make the game worth playing any less? Discussions related to the main series and its spin offs can be found here. Knowing the ending shouldn't change anything, really. I don't usually play jrpgs but persona is an exception. Is "The Answer" Worth Playing? What is Persona 3's "The Answer" and is it worth playing after the end of the main story? Persona 3 FES Review! SuperDerek RPGs 61, views. The Game Collection - Duration: SuperDerek RPGs 62, views. A community for the game series Persona. It's definitely worth playing though. SuperDerek RPGs 69, views. I left the Answer feeling that it really pointed out the greatness of Persona 3's "Journey" section and Persona 4, because the Answer had none of it. It wasn't so much the story that bothered me in The Answer, as much as it was the difficulty and the total lack of the social aspect of the game. Is persona 3 worth playing?

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  • Persona 3 FES Vs Persona 3 Portable

    However I know that persona 3's dungeon is monotonous and the characters also seem to be more anime than the latter titles, which is a turnoff for me. If you have a backlog it'd be fine to play something else, and come back to For Answer after Persona 3 has finishing sinking in. Going back to Persona 3 FES after 4 was hard enough, but the jump into the Answer from the Journey was even more brutal than the jump back from 4 to 3.

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  • How Long Is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - The Answer? | HowLongToBeat

    The best part of the Answer was some of the music. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. Is the perfect speedrun? One thing I should mention is not to expect Persona 3 from the earlier Persona games; Persona 3 was a radical departure from 1 and 2. Persona is a spinoff series from the Megami Tensei series published by Atlus.

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  • Persona 3 - Wikipedia

    The English language is really fucking dumb sometimes. Igor is back, but his Compendium is strangely absent. Now before we get started, we need to discuss the Playstation 2. My slim PS2 seems to have a problem registering that the door is closed, so I have to dick around with it for 10 minutes to get it to work. Sometimes I have to open and close the lid, sometimes I have to take the disc out and move the laser, sometimes I have to reset the system, and sometimes I have to rest a few game cases on top. For starters, there is no difficulty setting for this campaign, the only setting is cheap as fuck. Shadows are smarter than they were in The Journey, they dodge quite often, and will summon other monsters.

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  • Persona 3 FES Social Links

    The enemies dodge A LOT, and many seem to have skills that allow them to dodge their elemental weakness. You will waste so much SP in this game just trying to hit the damn enemies. On top of that, you can be doing everything right, only to get killed by one or two unlucky critical attacks. And this is just in normal encounters, boss battles take this cheapness to an entirely new level. Be prepared for a lot of grinding. Most of this bonus mode is spent grinding. You spend an hour or two grinding to be able to fight the next boss, only to realize that you are not strong enough to fight them yet, and need to spend another 2 hours grinding.

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  • Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - The Answer - Reviews | HowLongToBeat

    Sure, there was the occasional bit of grinding you had to do in the main story, but there were other things to do to break up the monotony of it. In The Answer you will spend hours grinding just so you can view a 5 minute flashback. Can ya guess what you have to do after that? Sometimes the Shadows will lull you into a false sense of security. I even had one boss fight that ended during the first turn because the Shadows got lucky with 2 critical attacks in a row. These red shadows are a trap. Run away! Another problem that goes with the excessive grinding is healing your party. In the main game you would travel through Tartarus until you reach the boss floor. You then had the option of using the teleporter to heal and save, and then could use the teleporter in the Entrance to go right back to where you were and then fight the boss.

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  • Persona 3 FES - The Answer

    In The Answer, you will reach a save point in a dungeon along with an Access Point. Which means if you want to completely heal up before tackling the boss, you are going to have to tell your party to split up and search every floor until you get back to where you were. Or you could decide to not teleport out, but this presents the problem of not being able to restore your precious SP. Finding items to refill your SP is quite rare in The Answer. I think I only found 2 or 3 within the first 3 dungeons. People often criticize Final Fantasy 4: The After Years for being lazy and recycling dungeons and towns from Final Fantasy 4, but at least they updated the damn menus. So throughout the entire game, you have to stare at a Social Link option that never becomes available, along with quests and the dictionary. Another thing that is kind of lazy is the item store lists the same items as new throughout the entire game.

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  • Persona 3: What Does FES Stand For (& 9 Other Things You Need To Know About The Classic JRPG)

    It may be a small thing to many of you out there, but to me it screams laziness. So much of this menu is useless. I really liked the new dungeon tracks and actually enjoyed it much more than the Tartarus music. Oh yeah, I got distracted by just how fucking terrible the rest of the game is and completely forgot to mention the plot. The story begins about a month after the graduation ceremony in Persona 3, where the silent protagonist suddenly passes away. The group is spending their last evening together in the dorm before it gets closed down. They find this odd because yesterday was actually March 31st. The party blows it off as a mistake by the newscaster and decide to turn in for the evening. Everyone is suddenly awakened when there is a loud noise in the lounge. Aigis defends everyone and during her battle with the being, she awakens to the power of the wild card, the same power the silent protagonist of The Journey had.

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  • Persona 3 Fes Guide Pdf

    It also prevents the party from leaving the dorm, so once again, they will need to use their Personas and find the cause of this strange occurrence. The story in The Answer is decent, but definitely not worth the trouble you have to go through to see any of it. Most of what you will see during the adventure are short 5 minute flashbacks, not a great payoff after doing hours upon hours of grinding through battles that rely almost entirely on luck. The meat of the story happens at the end, but most people will probably get frustrated and shut the game off long before then. That might have been okay if there were Social Links to take part in, but those are not available here.

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  • Kid Reviews For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES | Common Sense Media

    It does make sense from a storyline standpoint, but I really feel that finding a way to add meaningful interactions in between story and combat could have made things much more enjoyable. Overall Persona 3: FES is amazing journey with great story, wonderful character development, top notch voice acting, great music and combat. Unfortunately, there is no definitive version of Persona 3. Neither one of the PS2 versions lets you directly control your party members during combat. The PSP version gives you total control over your characters during battles, adds a playable female main character, but is missing The Answer bonus content and is also missing the 3D exploration in towns. I scored mine for 15 dollars, brand new. The PSP version, on the other hand has shot up in price recently, with complete copies selling for over 50 bucks. Which version is right for you is something you will have to decide on your own.

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