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SAT Practice Questions
Choice B is the best answer. In the fourth paragraph, Brynjolfsson asserts, Productivity is at record levels, innovation has never been faster, and yet at the same time, we have a falling median income and we have fewer jobs. In order to evaluate his statement that today we have fewer jobs, figure 2 would need to include accurate information about the number of jobs held by people employed in factories from to Without knowing those numbers, its not possible to determine whether Brynjolfssons statement is correct. Choice A is incorrect because a comparison of the median income of all three nations factory workers within a single year would not aid in the evaluation of Brynjolfssons statement regarding changes in worker productivity over a span of 10 to 15 years. Choices C and D are incorrect because knowing either the types of organizations where those outputs were measured or which specific manufacturing jobs might have been lost to new technologies would not be helpful in evaluating Brynjolfssons statement about how median incomes have fallen and job growth has reduced over time.
Choice C is the best answer. The main purpose of the passage is conveyed by the first sentence: Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that migrating birds fly in a V formation, but scientists have long debated why. The first paragraph continues by focusing on new research that might answer the question of why birds fly in that formation presumably to catch the preceding birds updraft and save energy during flight. As a whole, the passage can therefore be seen as a discussion of the biological motivation behind migrating birds reliance on the V formation. Choice A is incorrect because the squadrons of planes mentioned in the second paragraph are used as an example to discuss migrating birds but are not themselves the main subject of this passage. Choice B is incorrect because although the fourth paragraph does discuss the role of downdrafts in V-formation flight, this discussion is brief and does not constitute a main purpose.
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Choice D is incorrect because the passage does not illustrate how birds sense air currents through their feathers; instead, the seventh paragraph suggests in passing that such sensation may play a role in maintaining the V formation: Scientists do not know how the birds find that aerodynamic sweet spot, but they suspect that the animals align themselves either by sight or by sensing air currents through their feathers. Choice A is the best answer. In the second paragraph of the passage, the quotation Air gets pretty unpredictable behind a flapping wing immediately follows the statement that currents created by airplanes are far more stable than the oscillating eddies coming off of a bird. Choice B is incorrect because the quotations explanation that air is unpredictable behind a birds wing stresses the birds lack of control over the air current.
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Choice C is incorrect because the quotation attributes the unpredictability of the current behind a flapping wind to the action of the wing rather than to wind, and in fact the passage makes no mention of wind. Choice D is incorrect because the quotation characterizes the flapping of the birds wings in terms of the unpredictability of its effects, not of its comparative strength. Choice D is the best answer. The reason Usherwood used northern bald ibises as the subjects of his study is clearly stated at the beginning of the third paragraph: The study, published in Nature, took advantage of an existing project to reintroduce endangered northern bald ibises Geronticus eremita to Europe.
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Because the project reintroducing those birds was already underway, it was therefore easy for Usherwood and his team to join it. Choice A is incorrect because it would not be accurate to say that ibises were well acquainted with their migration route, as the third paragraph explains that scientists needed to show hand-raised birds their ancestral migration route. Choice B is incorrect because the third paragraph states that the ibises wore data loggers specially built by Usherwood and his lab but never indicates that they had worn any such device before or undertaken migration previously. Choice C is incorrect because the passage never claims that ibises body shape is similar to the design of a modern airplane, instead comparing only a V formation of birds to an airplane in the fourth paragraph.
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The previous question asks why Usherwood used northern bald ibises as the subject of his study. The answer, that he had easy access to them because they were being used in another scientific study, is supported at the beginning of the passages third paragraph: The study, published in Nature, took advantage of an existing project to reintroduce endangered northern bald ibises Geronticus eremita to Europe. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question as to why Usherwood chose northern bald ibises as the subject of his study; instead, they describe the results of the study choice A , compare birds and planes in flight choice B , and describe one element of the actual study choice D but not the reason ibises were chosen. At the end of the third paragraph the author notes that the GPS tracking devices attached to the birds determined each birds flight position to within 30 cm.
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This detail, along with the authors mention in the same sentence of another device that measured the timing of the wing flaps, provides evidence for the inference that the author likely specified 30 cm to underscore Usherwoods use of precise data-collection methods. Choice B is incorrect because the passage does not state that the distance an ibis flies between wing flaps was something that could be ascertained by Usherwoods study.
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Choice C is incorrect because the passage does not discuss the wingspan length of juvenile ibises or suggest that this length could be determined from Usherwoods tracking data. Choice D is incorrect because the passage does not discuss the distance maintained between the plane and the ibises in flight. At the beginning of the fifth paragraph the passage states that the findings likely apply to other long-winged birds, such as pelicans, storks, and geese, Usherwood says. Smaller birds create more complex wakes that would make drafting too difficult. In these lines the author therefore implies that unlike smaller birds, pelicans, storks, and geese flying in a V formation likely create a similar wake to that of ibises.
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Choice A is incorrect because the passage focuses entirely on bird flight, not bird communication. Choices B and D are incorrect because the passage discusses pelicans, storks, and geese only with respect to their drafting behavior, not in terms of their migration routes or how much energy they might expend when flying. The previous question asks what the author implies about pelicans, storks, and geese flying in a V formation.
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The answer, that they produce a similar wake to ibises, is supported at the beginning of the fifth paragraph: Smaller birds create more complex wakes that would make drafting too difficult. This sentence, in conjunction with the preceding sentences assertion of the probable applicability of Usherwoods findings to pelicans, storks, and geese, underscores that the point of probable similarity between ibises and those other species is in their wake and the drafting it makes possible.
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Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 7 Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question regarding what the author implies about pelicans, storks, and geese flying in a V formation. Instead, they explain one finding in the ibis study, with no reference to other long-winged species choice A ; highlight the findings of a previous study of energy use in bird flight, with no reference to the relationship between ibises and other species choice C ; and offer a theory about ibises in flight, again with no reference to other species choice D. The seventh paragraph speculates that further research may provide insight into how and why birds fly in formation: In future studies, the researchers will switch to more common birds, such as pigeons or geese. They plan to investigate how the animals decide who sets the course and the pace. In sum, the seventh paragraph can therefore be seen as recognizing that more research is needed to explain the phenomenon of flight formation more completely.
Sat Practice Test 7 Answers
Choice A is incorrect because neither the seventh paragraph nor the passage as a whole is concerned with bird hierarchies; the decision as to which bird sets the course or pace is mentioned only as another aspect of bird flight that scientists have yet to explain fully. Choice B is incorrect because the seventh paragraph only briefly mentions mistakes in V-formation flight, and this subject is not a central focus of the paragraph. Choice D is incorrect because although the seventh paragraph mentions the sighting of a lead bird or leader as a possible factor in the V formation, this factor is mentioned briefly and in conjunction with other factors, so that to describe it as a main idea would misrepresent the paragraph as a whole.
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In describing the way that long-winged birds like ibises fly in a V formation by drafting off each other, the seventh paragraph begins by stating, scientists do not know how the birds find that aerodynamic sweet spot. In context, the phrase aerodynamic sweet spot characterizes the particular spatial relationship among birds in the formation that affords the least amount of wind resistance and is thus beneficial for flock members to maintain. Choice A is incorrect because the author uses the phrase aerodynamic sweet spot in relation to bird flight, not plane flight. Choice B is incorrect because the phrase is not meant to imply the joy of flight so much as the optimum efficiency that can be found by flying in a certain position.
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Choice C is incorrect because the phrase is not used to discuss synchronized wing movement among birds, nor is synchronization addressed anywhere in the seventh paragraph. In the seventh paragraph, the passage explains that one aspect of bird flight that awaits further study by scientists is the question of whether a mistake made by the leader can ripple through the rest of the flock to cause traffic jams. In this context, to say that a mistake might ripple through the flock most nearly means that it might progressively spread through the flock. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in the context of the seventh paragraph, to ripple through the flock means to spread through it progressively, not to fluctuate choice A , to wave, or move in the pattern of the ebb and flow of waves choice C , or to undulate, or move in a manner that creates a textured, undulating appearance choice D.
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In the first paragraph of Passage 1, Tocqueville predicts that the social changes which bring nearer to the same level the father and son, the master and servant, and superiors and inferiors generally speaking, will raise woman and make her more and more the equal of man. In this context, to raise women to a higher social position most nearly means to elevate, or lift, them. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because in the context of Tocquevilles prediction that women will attain a higher social position, the word raise most nearly means elevate, not increase choice A , cultivate, or support choice B , or nurture choice C.
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In Passage 1, Tocqueville expresses concern that treating men and women as identical would likely harm both genders, rather than benefit them. This sentiment can be seen most clearly in the second paragraph, when he writes that it may readily be conceived, that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded. Choice A is incorrect because Tocqueville says treating men and women as identical in nature would result in the degradation of both genders, a condition closer to oppression than to freedom from oppression.
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Choice C is incorrect because Tocqueville does not address the issue of whether men might ultimately try to reclaim any authority they lost as a result of the treatment of both genders as identical. Choice D is incorrect because in the passage, Tocqueville never claims that treating men and women the same would result in superfluous privileges for either. The previous question asks what Tocqueville implies would result from treating men and women as identical in nature. The answer, that he believes such treatment would harm both men and women, is supported in the second paragraph of Passage 1: It may readily be conceived, that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded.
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Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question about what Tocqueville implies would result from treating men and women as identical; instead, they discuss European approaches to such treatment, with no reference to the actual effects of it on men and women choices A and B , and what Tocqueville considers Americans proper conception of equality as it relates to gender roles choice D. In the first paragraph of Passage 2, when discussing changing social relations, Mill writes that in her time there had come to exist a just equality, instead of the dominion of the strongest. In this context of a society where some had once wielded much greater power than others, the word dominion most nearly means supremacy, or greater power.
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Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in the context of a paragraph discussing differences in the amount of power possessed by members of a society, dominion means supremacy, or greater power, not omnipotence, or the state of being all-powerful choice A , ownership choice C , or territory choice D. In the first paragraph of Passage 2, Mill suggests that social roles are resistant to change in part because of their being entrenched in the cultural tradition: for, in proportion to the strength of a feeling is the tenacity with which it clings to the forms and circumstances with which it has even accidentally become associated.
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In the context of a discussion of equality between men and women, Mills statement serves to imply that gender roles change so slowly precisely because they are so deeply ingrained in society and culture. Choice A is incorrect because although Mill suggests in Passage 2 that gender roles are deeply entrenched, she does not imply that they serve as the foundation of society. Choice C is incorrect because Passage 2 does not address the issue of legislative reforms, only societal ones. Choice D is incorrect because although Mill addresses the difficulty of reforming traditional gender roles, she does not attribute it to the benefits that certain groups or institutions derive from those roles. The previous question asks about what Mill implies is the reason it is hard to change gender roles. The answer, that they are deeply entrenched in tradition, is supported in the first paragraph of Passage 2: In proportion to the strength of a feeling is the tenacity with which it clings to the forms and circumstances with which it has even accidentally become associated.
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Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question about what Mill implies is the reason it is hard to change gender roles, instead describing the condition of general inequality in prior eras choices A and B and optimistically considering a future society that she imagines will be less unequal choice D. Although the authors generally disagree about the roles men and women should occupy, both Tocqueville and Mill share the idea that gender equality is one small part of a societal shift toward equality in general. This can be seen in the first paragraph of Passage 1, where Tocqueville explains that raising woman to be more and more the equal of man is part of the overall social changes which bring nearer to the same level the father and son, the master and servant, and in the first paragraph of Passage 2, where Mill writes that mankind have outgrown the state of inequality and now tend to substitute, as the general principle of human relations, a just equality, with gender roles being the last of these relations to undergo such a shift.
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Choice B is incorrect because although in Passage 1 Tocqueville argues that there are costs to treating men and women the same, in Passage 2 Mill characterizes gender equality as a source of benefits only. Choice C is incorrect because neither author considers changing gender roles in terms of economic ramifications, focusing instead on questions of fairness and justice and the fulfillment of peoples potential. Choice D is incorrect because Mill does not discuss the issue in terms of American democracy, though Tocqueville does. In the second paragraph of Passage 2, Mill writes that she believes job opportunities in her society should be open to all: Let every occupation be open to all, without favor or discouragement to any, and employments will fall into the hands of those men or women who are found by experience to be most capable of worthily exercising them.
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In the second paragraph of Passage 1, Tocqueville argues that equality between men and women would leave both degraded; nonetheless, he recognizes that the belief in such equality is widespread: There are people in Europe who. It can be inferred, then, that although Tocqueville would consider Mills position ill-advised, he does recognize this position as one that is held by a number of reformers. Choice A is incorrect because Tocqueville in Passage 1 never characterizes advocacy on behalf of gender equality such as Mill engages in, in Passage 2 as less radical than it initially seems. Choice B is incorrect because Mills stated belief that all jobs should be open to both men and women would clearly be refuted by Tocqueville as harmful to men and women alike.
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Choice D is incorrect because what Tocqueville praises the United States for is not gender equality as a component of economic progress, but rather the United States division of activity into masculine and feminine spheres, which he likens to the division of labor in industrial production. In Passage 1, Tocqueville argues that equality is generally beneficial for society, but he moderates that claim in the third paragraph by further stating that even if men and women should be considered equal, they should not work in the same jobs: As nature has appointed such wide differences between the physical and moral constitution of man and woman, her manifest design was to give a distinct employment to their various faculties. In contrast, Mill argues in the second paragraph of Passage 2 that men and women should be awarded work based on individual ability: Let every occupation be open to all, without favor or discouragement to any, and employments will fall into the hands of those men or women who are found by experience to be most capable of worthily exercising them.
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It can therefore be said that Tocqueville believes ones gender should play a determining factor in ones position in society, whereas Mill believes it should not. Choice B is incorrect because both Tocqueville in Passage 1 and Mill in Passage 2 would likely argue against limiting an individual to the social class he or she was born to.
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Choice C is incorrect because it is Mill, not Tocqueville, who argues that individual temperament is the proper determining factor for social position. Choice D is incorrect because although it accurately represents Tocquevilles implicit stance that an individuals social position should contribute to society as a whole, it misrepresents Mills argument, which conceives of social position in relation to individual aptitude, not individual satisfaction. In the third paragraph of Passage 1, Tocqueville credits the Americans of his time for applying to the sexes the great principle of political economy.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Sat Practice 7 Answers
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