Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Patriot Movie Questions Answers

  • [DOWNLOAD] The Patriot Movie Questions Answers | latest

    I will say that the field tactics, called linear warfare, were pretty good. The British general, Cornwallis, was not a bumbling oaf but one of their most skilled commanders. The artillery they used did not, in fact, exist. The troops would have had...

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    For this reason, one should not expect them to adhere to total historical accuracy at all times, though they can be incredibly useful for showing how American society during different periods dealt with the legacy of the conflict. That said, we...

  • The Patriot Trivia And Quizzes

    Winner of the Peabody Award for Excellence in Runtime is only 89 minutes long. The film is unrated and should be considered appropriate for grades The Revolution : A part History Channel mini-series that combines live action sequences with noted historians as talking heads. This series walks viewers through the causations of the American Revolution to ultimate victory, and liberty. The film runs just under two hours and is appropriate for grades The series stars Paul Giamatti as the titular character and deals with his political career and personal life from the Boston Massacre, to life after his presidency.

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  • Patriot, The Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies L-P

    It contains some inaccuracies, but ultimately remains true to the character of Adams, along with his relationship with his wife, Abagail, and with other major figures in the Revolution such as Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and Hamilton. The series received phenomenal reviews upon release and remains highly lauded to this day, winning 4 Golden Globes and 13 Emmy Awards.

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  • Viewing Guide For THE PATRIOT Starring Mel Gibson

    There are seven episodes, each one running a little over an hour. The series is unrated but does contain some mature scenes and are appropriate for grades At that, it succeeds. While Tarleton did gain a reputation for aggressiveness and brutality during the Southern Campaign, the film exaggerates this to the extreme, including an entirely fictional church burning scene. Drums Along the Mohawk : A married couple played by Henry Fonda and Claudette Colbert leaves their comfortable lives in Albany to settle in the frontier, only to get swept up in the American Revolution and face the threat of Indian and Tory raids. Made by famed Hollywood director John Ford, Drums Along the Mohawk was well received in its day but not too famous compared to his other work.

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  • “The Patriot” Quiz: Answers And Winners!

    While the plot is mostly fiction, the setting of the New York frontier is more historically accurate. Raiding by the British-allied Seneca tribes and American loyalists was a common occurrence in these parts, but some viewers have noticed that the British themselves are largely absent from the film. The film is unrated and is appropriate for grades John Paul Jones : In this biographical drama, Robert Stack plays the titular naval captain from his early life in Scotland to his death in France after serving in the Russian Imperial Navy. The death of a mutinous crew member in the West Indies, before Jones fled to America to escape arrest, is portrayed as an accident. In reality, Jones most likely intentionally killed him. Much of the plot also revolves around a romance between Jones and a woman named Aimee de Tellison, an illegitimate daughter of King Louis XVI, who appears to be entirely fictional.

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  • What Makes An American A Patriot? Spike Lee Has Some Answers

    John Paul Jones runs just over two hours, and is unrated, making it appropriate for grades Running time is 82 minutes. The film is unrated and should be appropriate for grades Liberty Kids : This animated series brings to life the events of the American Revolution by following the lives of three fictional characters. The film is unrated but should be suitable for grades Join t Fight.!ut/p/a0/FYpBDsMgDAS_kj4AGRSipr31DT20cLMsk6DGgCyU95fcZmcHInwhFjzzhj3XgsfYgbh01mdTPgcNDR-IEH_tzai0Q8DWai5dxjulqpOgSN0U5cqa4iYIoVRDSDtfDrVnOhiCJ3JpXZxx6b4Y59ga9OSMtc77lB6eaYYmss7yuv0B37lYug!!/

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  • The Patriot Movie Questions?

    The main character, Benjamin Martin, is a veteran of the French and Indian war who wants independence from Britain, but is not willing to risk the safety of his already motherless children by going to war. His son Gabriel however, has a different view of the war, and enlists in the Continental Army without the consent of his father. Soon Benjamin is forced into action whether he wanted to be or not. When helping out hurt and wounded soldiers from both sides at his home he is viewed as a traitor, and Gabriel is ordered to be hanged. This understandably pushes Benjamin over the edge. He and his two younger sons then by themselves gun down over 20 redcoats and rescue Gabriel. They later join up with the main Continental Army, and along with the long awaited arrival of the French, force Cornwallis and the British to surrender at Yorktown. Benjamin also gets his revenge by killing Tavington in the battle.

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  • 28 The Patriot Movie Worksheet Answer Key

    This spells victory for the Americans and personal victory for Benjamin Martin. After the white flag is raised Martin returns to his family to rebuild his house and his life. As a result of the harsh treatment and strict regulations put on the colonists by the British such as the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act, Stamp Act, and other taxes, the colonists were ready for a change. They are tired of being controlled by a government on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, and are ready to start fighting for their freedom. The colonists form many rebellious groups such as the Sons of Liberty, to protest and rebel against the British involvement in their country. They hold meetings and help carry out acts against the British such as the Boston Tea Party. The fighting starts at Lexington and Concord in the spring of with the first shots being fired. People all over wanted to help in the war effort by joining the army and forming small militia groups to fight the British.

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  • The Patriot (Movie)?

    The British won many battles but the colonists stayed strong. The colonists were fighting for something they truly believed in, and this gave them an advantage and a reason to stay motivated. All of the struggle paid off when the Continental Army, the militia, and the French all join forces to corner the British at Yorktown and force them to surrender. America had won the war and their freedom which became official with the signing of the Treaty of Paris and the Declaration of Independence. In the movie the British were looked at as brutal, heartless killers, which is an exaggeration of the way that the British really were. Marion was in actuality a serial rapist, a racist, and he also hunted Native Americans for fun. Benjamin Martin treated everyone respectfully, and was looked at by his peers as being a noble and honorable person. The events that took place, such as the marriages, killings of civilians, and the actual involvement of the certain militia showcased in this movie are not backed up by historical facts.

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  • The Patriot The Movie

    The movie also ignored that many Americans fought on the side of the British crown. The movie made it seem like it was all of the Americans against all of the British, and it was uncommon to see an American fighting for the British. I liked the coverage of the event because it focused on one family, and how it directly affected the people, and not just the country as a whole. By seeing this it gave us a look at what it might have been like if we lived during the war. I also disliked some things in the movie. The brutal acts that were carried out in the movie by the redcoats could not be proven true.

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  • The Patriot Movie Questions

    The movie also could have included information about other militia groups and the Continental Army as a whole. I also think that this movie was very one-sided. It was definitely pro-American, and against the British. This makes sense because it is an American movie, but I think it serves an injustice to some of the innocent British soldiers.

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  • The Patriot Movie Questions? Please Answer?

    The Patriot trivia Trivia : At the beginning of the movie when Benjamin is taking the children to Aunt Charlotte's house in Charleston, there is a woman on the street that does not move, and wearing a big hoop dress. She is there to hide the fire hydrant on the street underneath her dress. He recalled, 'It came to the point where I had like, no money. This was because he 'got nothing offers to do these teen movies and television sitcoms', and he refused to do them due to the 'very little depth' of the scripts. By the time he was accepted for The Patriot , he said later, 'I guess I put myself in a situation where I didn't belong. But saying no turned out to be more valuable than saying yes. Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox". In the original drafts of the script even the character's name was to be Francis Marion.

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  • ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ 410 The Patriot Answers Questions With Questions

    However, during filming certain historical sources revealed that Francis Marion was perhaps a very dubious character who was accused of hunting Native Americans for sport and raping his female slaves. Historical debate rages over the veracity of these accusations; but Sony Pictures changed the name of the character to Benjamin Martin to avoid any potential controversy around the film.

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  • The Patriot Movie Review

    The Patriot movie questions? How do you know this? When the men are at the statehouse, what are they arguing about? Benjamin Martin argues against joining the militia with this quote, "Can American colonies govern themselves and should they? Martin also states, "children will learn of the war with their own eyes". What is your reaction to this statement? Do you agree with this statement when it comes to fighting a war? When Colonel Tavington comes to the Martin farm and kills the Martin boy, the men discuss rules of war. Are there rules in warfare? Is killing a boy and burning the house fair play? What does this mean? When Gabriel enters the church to ask for militia volunteers, Anne gives a very rousing speech, "when you are needed most, do you stop only at words? Act upon your beliefs you have so strongly spoken". When it comes down to it, would you back your beliefs or country with your life? Why or why not? Is it fair to burn the townspeople in the church?

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  • The Patriot Movie Questions? | Yahoo Answers

    Quote said to Benjamin Martin after Gabriel passed away, "nothing will replace your sons, but you can justify their sacrifice". Why do men feel they can justify death? Benjamin Martin's last quote, "my hope and prayer is that the sacrifices born by so many What does it mean to be a Patriot?

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  • The Patriot Movie Review Essay - Movie Review, Movies On Study Boss

    There is a one pager reflection summary and analysis at the bottom of the page as well. The patriot movie worksheet answer key. Why are the boys so. The patriot act is unconstitutional. Learners click on the links in the questions about civics and history to find the answers to the questions and then come back and answer the questions. The patriot act does not help to protect national security. Benjamin martin is the hero of this movie.

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  • About This Item

    William tavington aunt charlotte selton. What is the setting of this movie where and when is it taking place. War that benjamin martin fought in. How do you know this. When the men are at the statehouse what are they arguing about. Which of the following statements best reflects the sentiment of a proponent of the patriot act. The patriot movie questions. He also has two daughters margaret and susan. An answer key is included. Here are the. The patriot movie questions benjamin martin. Terms in this set 28 main character. Thank you for being patient. He always wanted to make a rocking chair that didnt break when you sat on it. French and indian of kids benjamin martin has. Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Start studying the patriot movie. The patriot movie worksheet. Im so sorry i didnt get these winners announced last nighti had people on the homestead and i should have known that id be up past midnight doing dishes.

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  • Trivia Quizzes, Games, And Facts

    Find patriot movie questions lesson plans and teaching resources. The patriot act violates the fourth amendment. The patriot act helps to maintain and protect national security. I hope you all had an amazing independence day. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. He has five sons gabriel thomas samuel nathan and william. City where theres a major vote early in. State that the movie takes place in. This is a film guide for the movie the patriot. Quickly find that inspire student learning. The movie opens in the fields of benjamin martins farm in which region of the country is the movie set.

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  • The Patriot Movie

    The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Synopsis Benjamin Martin Mel Gibson , a veteran of the French and Indian War, is a widower raising his seven children five sons and two daughters on his farm in South Carolina. He manages his land with free servants and employs in carpentry, particularly fashioning rocking chairs, though he has little success with it.

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  • 'Agents Of SHIELD' The Patriot Answers Questions With Questions | Movie TV Tech Geeks News

    His eldest son, Gabriel Heath Ledger , is keenly interested in the fighting between the American colonies and the British; the Revolutionary War has been waged in other colonies for some time, though Benjamin does not share his enthusiasm in war. When word comes in that a congress is being held in Charleston regarding the war, Gabriel and his brother Thomas Gregory Smith eagerly accompany their father.

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  • The Patriot - ProProfs Quiz

    While there, it is voted that South Carolina join the war against the British despite Benjamin's advice against it. Being of age, Gabriel enlists in the Continental army without his father's permission. Colonel Harry Burwell Chris Cooper , a friend and ally of Benjamin's, regards Gabriel's similarities to his father and promises to watch out for him. The war wages on for two more years and Gabriel writes letters to his family throughout, expressing the horrors of war he's witnessed. At home, Thomas is found by Benjamin, trying on a red coat stored away in his father's war chest, and expresses his desire to join the army. Though Benjamin refuses to let him join, he relents that Thomas may enlist when he's seventeen in two years. One night, gunfire erupts outside the Martin home and the family watches as a battle ensues just beyond their property.

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  • A Teacher's Guide To Revolutionary War Movies

    A lone and wounded soldier enters the home. As Benjamin draws a pistol to the stranger, it is revealed to be Gabriel, en route to deliver dispatches. Benjamin gives him care, and to the rest of the wounded soldiers, both Continental and British, through the night into morning. Tavington is given the discovered dispatches and orders the identity of the carrier.

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  • The Patriot Movie Review

    Gabriel turns himself in, hoping to spare his family any punishment, but Tavington orders that the wounded Continental troops be killed and the house burned for having harbored the enemy. Benjamin begs lenience but is silenced as Gabriel is led away. Impatient, Thomas runs forward and tries to free Gabriel but is ruthlessly shot by Tavington. Thomas dies in his father's arms as Tavington insults him and rides off. His soldiers set the house on fire while Gabriel is led away on a separate convoy and the home servants, including housekeeper Abigail Beatrice Bush are forced into British service.

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  • The Patriot Movie Questions

    Enraged, Benjamin goes back into the burning house and grabs his collection of rifles and ammo from his war chest along with a tomahawk. He returns to his remaining children and instructs his daughters, Margaret Mika Boorem and Susan Skye McCole Bartusiak , and his youngest son William Logan Lerman to hide in the fields before making their way to their aunt's come nightfall. He then gives rifles to his older sons, Nathan Trevor Morgan and Samuel Bryan Chafin , and tells them to come with him. They make their way through the forest, arriving on a ridge ahead of the British convoy with the intent to ambush them. He tells his sons to start by shooting the officers and work their way down through the British ranks and to remember what he taught them about marksmanship.

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  • The Patriot Trivia And Quizzes | Movie Trivia

    As the convoy passes, Benjamin and his sons alternate gunfire, creating confusion and chaos in the British ranks. The soldiers are quickly killed off and Benjamin shows ferocious brutality when he takes his tomahawk vengefully to one of the British privates. Gabriel is freed and they reunite with the rest of the family at Charlotte Shelton's Joely Richardson plantation, the sister of Benjamin's late wife. Young Samuel goes to bed distraught over the events of the day but Nathan tells his father he was glad to kill the British soldiers. A solitary survivor of the convoy attack is brought to Tavington. The man gives his testimony and explains that it seemed that just one man was responsible for the attack, proclaiming him as a 'ghost' of some kind. Tavington is skeptical but surprised that such a thing could happen. Gabriel decides to rejoin the Continentals, stating his decision as the duty of a soldier, and Benjamin decides, with hesitation, to accompany him.

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  • The Patriot Movie Guide

    They leave the children with Charlotte and later witness a battle in an open field behind the home of fleeing colonists. Benjamin explains to Gabriel that the form of set-piece warfare opponents directly facing each other and taking turns firing is barbaric and that this particular battle was over before it began. They meet up with Colonel Burwell who asks Benjamin to organize a militia to keep General Charles Cornwallis Tom Wilkinson at bay in the south before French navy reinforcements arrive. Benjamin and Gabriel split up.

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  • The Patriot Movie Worksheet Answer Key - Promotiontablecovers

    Gabriel travels to a quaint town and is reunited with a childhood flame, Anne Howard Lisa Brenner. He speaks to the townspeople within their church and, with Anne's patriotic encouragement, manages to enlist many, including local Dan Scott Donal Logue and Reverend Oliver Rene Auberjonois. Vieira , to write to her. Though her father is mostly deaf, she helps Gabriel get permission. Among the enlistees is John Billings Leon Rippy , an old friend of Ben's whose young son shares his contempt for 'redcoats'. John jokes with Ben, saying that rumors have spread of a tomahawk-wielding ghost wreaking havoc on British soldiers.

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  • The Patriot After Movie Quiz Quiz - Quizizz

    The moniker sticks. Over the next few months, Villeneuve assists with the training of the militia using guerrilla fighting tactics and they plunder and harass British convoys and supply lines. One such capture yields valuable information meant to be delivered to Cornwallis himself, including a personal diary and his prized Great Danes. Cornwallis is greatly frustrated with the failure to capture the 'ghost' and his militia and blames Tavington for his callous cruelty, having spawned the creation of the 'ghost' in the first place. As he attends a lavish party, a supply ship in the bay outside his plantation explodes in a brilliant display while Benjamin and his men row away disguised as redcoats, having stolen all the luxuries on board.

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  • The Patriot Questions And Answers

    Benjamin and Gabriel visit Anne's hometown where Gabriel calls on her and spends the night, sewn by Anne's mother Mary Jo Deschanel into a traditional bundling bag, meant to allow courtship but deter intimacy. Upon leaving the next morning, Gabriel's teeth are stained black from ink poured into his tea; payback from Anne for a childhood prank, however her teeth are equally stained after she kisses Gabriel goodbye. Benjamin and his men set up a roadblock and prepare to ambush an approaching supply wagon train. He calls out his militia hiding in the fields to intimidate the British soldiers from retaliating, but the wagon covers are pulled back and more soldiers emerge.

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